dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2015


El darrer divendres 24 d'abril 10 alumnes de 6è van passar un càsting per poder participar en el concurs "Fish & chips" de TV3. D'aquests, tres seran escollits i representaran l'escola. Per altra banda, tots aquells alumnes que ho van voler també van fer un càsting on demostraven les seves habilitats. Ben aviat en sabrem alguna cosa. Recordeu que a la galeria del campus de l'escola hi trobareu totes les imatges. Molta sort a tots!

divendres, 17 d’abril del 2015


A promise is a promise and here we have them, the pictures of the shadow puppet plays for you to enjoy. The plays covered a variety of genres from fantasy to crime capers. All of them performed well and demonstrated their creativity and talent for writing and acting in English. Well done 6th year!

divendres, 10 d’abril del 2015


For two weeks, the students of 6th grade have been planning and writing plays using shadow puppets. They wrote the story in the past tense and then created their own shadow puppets. This activity is tied in with the project on cinema they’ve been working on. They’re going to perform their plays next week. It will be worth the wait!